
Confessions of a 20-something intern in NYC – Week #1

Live from NY … IT IS THE BLOG!

Hello hello I am reporting live from New York City!!! I moved here for my summer internship and it has been such a fun and different experience. I just did a hot yoga class and spent $5 on a PB&J and now debating if I should go grocery shopping or go back home and SHOWER. 

Before I start, this is my official apology to native New Yorkers. I know summer interns are your equivalent of the cicada infestation. Also, there is a chance this blog makes you want to bang your head against a wall a little, proceed with caution. 

Anyways, this week has been eye-opening to say the least so here are a couple of things I have learned in NYC this week and some places I loved.

Ditch the natural deodorant – I am being so serious. I am a natural deodorant girly (Native cucumber mint is GOOD) but it works up to 10k steps. Anything more than that, I am putting aluminum in my body I am so sorry. 

I don’t like lines – My roommate and I attempted to go to the Summer Fridays (famous lip balms for my small but loyal male following) pop-up and it wrapped around the corner. If there were six more months added to my life in there I still don’t know if I would have waited. Like I can’t imagine what could be worth over three hours of my life standing in line. 

I am a city girl – To my core. I thrive. I love public transportation, I love walking, I like trying new things and wandering into new places (except that odd Mexican restaurant in the basement of Chinatown; I’ll be skipping that one). But I love it. I love being around people constantly and eavesdropping on subway conversations. 

TJMaxx is Target – So think about the things that you would normally buy at Target like a pan, Tupperware, etc. they are not there. City Target is NOT  suburban Target. Also, everything (even mouthwash) here is locked behind plastic and you need to ask someone to unlock and I’m not a patient person and it’s been a struggle. 

Two months is an odd amount of time – Because its too long to be uncomfortable but not long enough to justify buying certain things. Things I’ve bought that fall in this category are an electric kettle, cooking utensils, Tupperware, a mattress topper, pot (like cooking). Things I am tempted to buy but won’t: measuring spoons, a Swiffer, to-go coffee mug. If you have cooking recommendations that don’t require a microwave or air fryer (or oven if possible) let me know! 

Sorority life prepared me for the real world – The more I think about it, the less I think sororities are dumb. I feel like if I didn’t join a sorority, I would struggle with HR. If you know me, you know I’m not someone who loves being told what to do, however, I am someone who has always followed the rules. I feel like being in a sorority has helped me understand why certain rules and regulations exist, and I have a better grasp of what it means that you also represent an organization and not just yourself. Also, I feel like I have learned how to put myself together much better. #LML 

It feels like I am supposed to be here – Do you know when you own all the properties in Monopoly and then people are going around the board and you are just happily waiting for them to land and give you money? That is kind of how this summer feels so far. It is like I am positioned correctly to win. Things feel effortlessly good right now. And listen maybe I’m in a honeymoon phase with NYC right now and next week it’ll be different. But I honestly have not experienced a honeymoon stage in so long – so I’ll take it. 

I feel like I’m in everybody’s way all the time. 

Don’t try to find the best way just find a way – As the Virgo, older sister, type A person I am I care about efficiency and finding the best way of doing something. However, sometimes you just need to find a way. This is about my building and the fact that I am 90% sure I am taking the longest way possible in and out of the subway. And this makes me angry a little cause it’s not efficient. But I have been there and back and I’m okay 

I am overwhelmed by choice – There is so much to do. I am trying to take it slow, not go crazy, and be more of a go-with-the-flow person. We can see how long this lasts. It is just the things to do here are actually things I like doing (coffee shops, bookstores, museums – no central-Florida-bullshit-nature-walks with roach-sized mosquitoes)  

Standing out vs. Fitting in – Okay so when it comes to going out, in Gainesville everyone tries to fit in as much as possible, entire friend groups all wear the same thing (except the Strike people which you go girls). Here it feels like everyone is trying to stand out as much as possible. I mean, as a certified hater I can tell you that both are slightly obnoxious for different reasons. 

The anonymity feels good – So I never understood how Carrie wrote her column without people not finding out who is who. Guys if the column was anonymous with the stuff my friends and I have been through we would have CONTENT but I do respect people’s privacy. After three years, Gainesville starts to feel small because everyone knows everyone. I liked this guy on Hinge and he was the brother of my friend’s boyfriend.  But here, I could go by a fake name and tell people I work in finance and no one will ever know.

I need someone to draw me a map – Lower East Side, NoLita, Upper Soho, Upper East Side. I DON’T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. I just feel like all these places that have names are 0.5 miles from one another. Chinatown is like embedded in Little Italy (Native NYers I am so so sorry for this). 

Gold jewelry and a black outfit have been my corporate uniform and I’m not mad about it 

I am a little scared of how much I like my job – I genuinely wake up every morning and don’t understand how on earth I’m getting paid to do it. I kind of want to do this forever?? And it’s exciting because I am doing something that everyone else thinks is exciting. I also love my office and the people in it and the company culture … and on that note 

In NYC your job/internship makes you hot – Guys I’m not kidding like that is the first question people have asked so far. I went from being a bottom-tier sorority (I say this with pride) brunette at an SEC school (last in the food chain) to like hot shit. Like I’m basically an NYC Tri Delt. 

I get a work conversation hangxiety  – Like everyone in my office is so fun and nice and it takes everything in me to not overshare.and mantain a level of professionalism.  

I’m not asexual – My last three years in Gainesville have made me question a lot of things but I’m happy to announce I’m still attracted to men! It was a nice discovery. Also, I’m off birth control after like 8 years and I feel awesome!!! Like I was talking to my friend and she said that it feels like your head is full of bees but you don’t know the bees are there until you stop and that’s exactly it. I feel so good and like excited to be alive. I’m also super emotional and boy-crazy but it is what it is. I’ll take it. 

This week’s recommendations: Eat Pasta, Barbershop Comedy, Canal Street Market, Think Coffee and Rumble Boxing (guys I loved boxing so much).

Thank you for reading!! Since seeing NYC prices I’ve been considering monetizing the blog but I didn’t know how to still make it free to read! So, we are going to operate on a “tip jar” basis. If you feel so inclined to do so, my Venmo is @ceci-edelberg, and your money will contribute to a Cesar salad wrap at work, a comedy show, an overpriced iced latte or a pair of double-lined bodysuits from Abercrombie. 

As always, thanks for reading! If you loved it, make sure to follow at @leakeddiary on Instagram. 

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